Saturday, May 28, 2011
Beautiful Saturday
Monday, May 23, 2011
work, work and more work!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The middle child
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
#5 of 10
5. Get involved in local organizations fighting the sex trade. While money is a great help for non-profit organizations, hands and feet are better. Get together with your family and friends and work out a time budget. How much time are you willing and able to donate to your local organization. Unless you have worked with a non-profit before you might not understand how hard it is to fill a position with another volunteer if you were to cancel. Be realistic in the time frames you commit too and your local organization will be grateful. (see Mission 21's website for a comprehensive list of organizations)
The time thing is big! It can cause alot of stress for those who are putting together things to have someone commit and then back out. Really pray about how much time you can give and always be honest with those heading the project up, they will appreciate that much more then false promises.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
#4 of 10 (things to do to stop Sex Trafficking)
4. Support new or better state and local anti-trafficking laws. Many states already have anti-trafficking laws, but some don't. Check to see if there are anti-trafficking laws in your state. Help strengthen state and local laws in your area by contacting your Governor, Senator or Representative. As a voter (or soon-to-be voter), you have the power to demand your representatives follow an abolitionist agenda. And remember, many voices asking for the same changes are powerful- consider a letter-writing campaign.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
#3 of 10 (things to do to Stop Sex Trafficking)
3. Oppose the commercial sex industry, including prostitution, escort services, strip clubs, pornography and the "pimp n ho" culture. Sex trafficking victims can be found in all areas of the commercial sex industry, and demand for commercial sex makes the business lucrative for traffickers and motivates them to enslave more victims. Have bachelor and bachelorette parties at non-traditional (commercial sex-free) venues. Refuse to watch pornography and encourage friends to do the same. When fewer people buy commercial sex, traffickers have less incentive to force women and children to meet the demand.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
#2 out of 10 you can do to stop Sex Trafficking
2. Host a fundraiser for a local anti-trafficking nonprofit. While donating individually to the causes you support is great, there are many ways to take a small amount of money and turn it into a much larger amount for bigger impact. Instead of making a direct donation, try buying supplies for a bake sale or car wash and donate the proceeds, or recruit your friends to match your donation amount. Don't be afraid to think outside the box.
This is no. 2 of 10. I want to stress to not be afraid to think outside of the Box. Sex Trafficking is only second to drugs as an organized crime. This is something that is not talked about and should be. Having fundraisers gets the word out and makes people talk. That's what we want!
Monday, May 9, 2011
A Poem
Sex Trafficking!
1. Throw a Viewing Party. Educate yourself others about human trafficking by inviting your family and friends to watch a film on human trafficking and discuss the issue. A film, either a documentary or fictional story, is a great way to introduce people to the issue because it helps them connect visually and emotionally to the victims. A film will also provide some topics for discussion.