Everyone laughed and went on with their meal but I started to think. My nieces had no idea what they were doing but unknowingly they were acting out what we do all the time as believers. "Gotchya" HaHa, you thought you could get away, you didn't pray before your meal. As I thought about this through the day, I started to say to people, "No Guilt in this House" We have this set of rules in our heads that people have to follow to be Christians......
Go to Church
Read your Bible
Pray before your meal
Raise your hands in worship
Take Sunday off from work
Have a quiet time in the morning
Send your Kids to camp
Did I miss any?
What would happen if we didn't do these things. Would this stop us from being Christian. What if all we did was trust Christ and what He did on the cross and go on and live our lives telling others about it just by the way we lived. What if someone accepted Christ and never stepped into a church, never had a quiet time, never raise their hands in worship, never tithed (God forbid). What if? That's my question. It says that we are not saved by works, lest any of us should boast or be proud. Isn't that what we have done. We grade what makes a good Christian by the amount of laws they follow. I don't follow any of these. What does that make me? What does that make me?